Climate Web Topical Headings

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The Climate Web organizes all kinds of climate-relevant materials under thousands of topical headings that organize different kinds of materials, including:

  • “S - ” (Sources)
  • "N - " (News and Opinion)
  • “V - “ (Videos)
  • "T - " (Websites and Pages)
  • "E - " (Extracted Materials).

We provide additional insight into several of these categories below.

“S - “ Sources Headings

"S - " sources headings topically organize books, reports, Powerpoints, and more, allowing users to easily review topical literatures.

A few details:

  • Sources are listed as: Year Primary Author_Title. That's how you would search for a particular source. Sources are organized by year in the Climate Web.

  • Publicly available sources are included as external links that allow you to read or download the source. We're moving more and more sources to the cloud to manage the size of the Climate Web.

  • Sources that sit behind paywalls are indicated by a "$$" at the end of the thought name. We try to provide a link allowing you to access the first page of the source (often using the DeepDyve service). Note that the journals available through DeepDyve can change over time, so some links may not work. If we’ve accidentally included a source that should be behind a paywall, please let us know so we can fix it.

  • If we've extracted materials from a source, you'll see them attached as "child thoughts" to the source thought. You can tell that child thoughts exist by the filled in small green circle below the source thought.

  • As with many features of the Climate Web, sources headings collections are easier and faster to use if you're accessing the Climate Web on your desktop or mobile device, rather than on-line. Learn more about Premium Access through the Leveraging the Climate Web link at right.

  • Sources headings are among the materials you can organize in your own personal front door to the Climate Web. (brain://RtP_QjNjF0W2qoyPEFfnyA/CustomPersonalizingTheClimateWeb)Learn more about Personalizing the Climate Web through the Leveraging the Climate Web link at right.

“N - “ News and Opinion Headings

"N - " news and opinion headings topically organize news stories and blogs, allowing users to review how numerous climate change conversations have evolved over time.

A few details:

  • News and opinion pieces are organized chronologically by year and month.

  • News and opinion pieces are not downloaded into the Climate Web. They are accessed via URLs that point to the original source materials (or in some cases WayBack Machine links).

  • If we've extracted materials from a news and opinion piece you'll see them attached as "child thoughts" under the news-and-opinion source thought. You can tell that child thoughts exist by the filled in small green circle below the source thought. .

  • As with many features of the Climate Web, news and opinion pieces and collections are easier and faster to use if you're accessing the Climate Web on your desktop or mobile device, rather than on-line. Learn more about Premium Access through the Leveraging the Climate Web link at right.

  • News and Opinion headings are among the materials you can organize in your own personal front door to the Climate Web. Learn more about Personalizing the Climate Web through the Leveraging the Climate Web link at right.

“E - “ Extracted Materials Headings

Extracted materials headings topically organize graphics, ideas, recommendations, and more from books, reports, Powerpoints, news stories, and websites throughout the **Climate Web**. These graphics and ideas are included based on the "fair use" principle of copyright law. See our [Intellectual Property](brain://mXIX8c4d1VWorvBqiAevOg/IntellectualProperty) thought.

Extracted materials collections can be interesting in their own right, allowing users to review, for example, graphics and ideas relevant to carbon pricing that are normally buried deep in books and reports. They become even more valuable when curated into Climate Web Topical Dashboards. Learn more about Premium Access through the Leveraging the Climate Web link at right.

A few details:

  • Graphics show up first (in purple) in Extracted Materials collections, ideas show up second (tan). Graphics are (or are in the process of being) dated so that you can access the most recent topical graphics first. Ideas aren't as time-specific, so they are not dated.

  • Idea and Graphic thoughts are always physically linked back to their original source in the Climate Web. That means that when you find an interesting graphic or idea, you can easily jump to its source and explore other materials that might be organized there which might be of key interest to you.

  • The extracted graphic or idea will generally show up in the Notes Field of the thought. (Extracted materials can still show up in a thought's "icon," a thumbnail image at the left end of a thought title. Hovering over the thought icon will cause it to expand on your screen. The Climatographers are in the process of transferring thought icons to the Notes field, but it will take time given the thousands of thoughts involved).

  • The highest and best use of extracted materials is in contributing to Topical Dashboards and Roadmaps in the Climate Web. Learn more via the links at top right.

  • As with many features of the Climate Web, Extracted Materials are easier and faster to use if you're accessing the Climate Web on your desktop or mobile device, rather than on-line. Learn more about Premium Access through the Leveraging the Climate Web link at right.

  • We can package any combination of thoughts into a customized website or Ebook. For examples of such customizations, see our Climate Sites homepage. For an example of a simple Ebook (in this case exploring sea level rise estimates over time, click here). You can download it if you wish.